Frequently Asked Questions

How was Mush Mór established?

Mush Mór, founded in 2020 in Monaghan, Ireland, originated from a research project exploring the properties of exotic mushrooms. The company's founders were inspired by the potential of exotic mushrooms as both a nutritious food source and a natural remedy, and aimed to bring this remarkable resource to a broader audience.

Why choose Mush Mór?

The science and research behind Mush Mór ensures that we only deliver the highest quality mushroom strains from around the world. We are committed to constantly expanding our supply network, from Europe to the UK and Ireland. Our Values mean that we go above and beyond merely providing the best quality mushrooms, but integrating science and extensive research into every step of our production process. We take pride in upholding our standards of quality - a testament to our dedication to science-backed mushroom products.

What is the definition of an exotic mushroom?

Exotic mushrooms thrive on wood and other similar substrates, instead of peat, and are valued for their intense aromas and superior nutritional value. This distinguishes them from the more commonly available cultivated mushroom varieties which generally have milder flavours. Unlike common supermarket mushrooms, exotic mushrooms don’t require peat, the extraction of which destroys bogland and is severely destructive to the environment.

Exotic mushrooms are sought after by chefs for adding to a range of recipes as well as health conscious individuals who want to take advantage of their valuable nutrient density. 

What are the health benefits of exotic mushrooms?

Exotic mushrooms such as shiitake, lion’s mane, turkey tail, maitake, reishi, chaga, and cordyceps have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. These functional mushrooms possess potent medicinal properties that can support general wellbeing, reduce symptoms of stress and fatigue, and boost the immune system. 

Additionally, certain types of exotic mushrooms are known to help regulate blood sugar levels, promoting better digestion and helping to keep us balanced throughout the day. By consuming these adaptogenic mushrooms regularly, individuals can benefit from their many health-promoting properties, making them an excellent choice for optimising health and longevity.

What are adaptogens?

Adaptogens are an ancient class of herbs and plants that have unique beneficial effects on the body. They help regulate the stress response, improve immunity and promote longevity. Adaptogens work by helping to balance the hormones released in response to stress, which can then allow the body to respond more effectively to either physical or emotional stress. 

For many people, adaptogens bring tangible benefits such as improved energy levels and mental clarity. Research has even found that certain combinations of herbs can significantly reduce fatigue, improve moods and boost mental performance. Best of all, they are incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily diet or routine. 

Is Mush Mór magic?

Mush Mór does not contain any psychoactive ingredients, nor do we imply that it is ‘magic’ with the use of branding or wording (unlike some others out there).

We strive to create a bridge between traditional and modern practices, bringing together the best of both worlds. We remain firmly grounded in science, but draw on centuries of accumulated wisdom from traditional practices to inform our approach. 

Our goal is to develop and implement scientifically rigorous methods while still respecting cultural beliefs, customs and rituals that have sustained society for centuries. 

We embrace both evidence-based research and historical knowledge in developing innovative and sustainable solutions to meet today's challenges. By uniting these two powerful forces, we can further our mission of creating a healthier and happier world for everyone.

What are the benefits of dried mushrooms?

Drying mushrooms is a great way to increase the nutritional density of these edible fungi. When wet, mushrooms are 90% water. By drying them, this water content is greatly reduced and the remaining nutrient density is therefore increased as a result. Not only does this improve their health benefits, but it can also enhance the flavour and make them easier to use in cooking. 

Much like dried spices, dried mushrooms can be quickly rehydrated in liquid, allowing them to bring out their true savoriness while bringing an added burst of flavour and nutrition to dishes. For some dishes, best results may be achieved by rehydrating mushroom powder in oil or butter, alongside sautéing onions for example. 

What are the culinary benefits of exotic mushroom powder?

Exotic mushroom powder has a multitude of culinary benefits, one of the most convenient being its ability to instantly create flavour-packed dishes. Whether you're sautéing, roasting, or stir-frying, simply stirring in exotic mushroom powder can add a tantalising umami depth to any dish. It can also be added as a seasoning for salads as well as marinades for fish, poultry and meat dishes. The powder can even be used in baking - think earthy vegan muffins and homemade bread! 

Whether you're adding it to your morning smoothie for a kick of nutrition or using it as an umami seasoning for your dishes, exotic mushroom powder is sure to take your cooking up a notch. Don't be afraid to get creative — experiment with different recipes and enjoy the flavorful goodness that comes from adding this amazing ingredient to your pantry.

What is unique about Mush Mór?

At the core of Mush Mór our blend of pure mushroom extracts and finely-ground exotic mushrooms. This original combination balances well-being with flavour and convenience. Each ingredient has been carefully chosen to support health and performance, while bringing unique flavours to your kitchen.

Our mushroom powder stands apart from other offerings for many reasons, but one that really sets it apart is the quality of ingredients. The majority of cheap powders contain large amounts of the mycelial part of the fungi, and can even contain significant amounts of the substrate itself. We use only the most flavorful, nutrient-dense fruiting body part of the mushroom to create our blends. This ensures that you get maximum nutrition and flavour with every serving. 

Is Mush Mór suitable for vegans and vegetarians?

Mushroom powder is an ideal way for vegans and vegetarians to get their required nutrition. The powder can be added to a variety of recipes either as an individual ingredient or as part of a seasoning mix. In addition to providing essential minerals, vitamins, and proteins, mushroom powder also contains unique antioxidants that are not found naturally in other plant-based foods. 

The umami flavour found in mushroom powder is a uniquely savoury taste that can add depth and complexity to dishes, which is often lacking in meat-free dishes. This 'fifth taste' has long been sought out by chefs the world over, as it can significantly enhance the flavour of foods.

Mushrooms contain glutamic acid, which is responsible for the often-overlooked taste of umami. Combining mushrooms with other ingredients or substances rich in glutamic acid - such as soy sauce, miso paste or parmesan cheese - can result in a combination of very interesting flavours; essentially adding saltiness without being salty and sweetness without being sweet.

Are the mushrooms used to make the powder organically grown?

At Mush Mór, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality mushrooms for our customers. That's why we strive to make sure that whenever possible, the mushrooms we source are organic and of the utmost quality. We understand the importance of sustainable farming practices and a healthy environment for growing our products, so every effort is made to meet or exceed organic production standards. That's why we're excited to announce that we are in the process of acquiring organic certification—ensuring higher standards for our products while working tirelessly towards a healthier planet.

How much powder should be used in a serving?

3 - 4 grams or one small teaspoon per serving is sufficient.

What is the shelf life of Mush Mór and how should it be stored?

Our mushroom powder will be at its best for up to six months after opening if sealed and stored correctly in a cool and dry place. If stored for longer periods, especially in a humid environment, the powder can start to clump which is not ideal.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to email